496 Pte Harold [Harry] Clarkson.
The following photographs of Pte Clarkson and his wife Mary Ann [nee Barker] have been contributed by their Grandson, also called Harold
Clarkson of Redcar, N Yorks.
Pte Clarkson was born in Normanby, Middlesbrough and enlisted at Redcar N Yorks. He was killed in action, age 37, on the 29th December
1915 near Ypres.
Home at 1 Alma Parade, Redcar, N Yorks. His parents, Annie and Joseph lived in Gladstone St, Loftus, N Yorks.
He is buried at Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery, West of Ypres. His Army number
indicates the long time he had been in the Battalion. He was awarded the rare Edward VII Territorial Force Efficiency Medal,
which means that he had already served for at least 12 years prior to this king's death in 1910. He left a wife and
eight children, the eldest of whom, Earl also served in the First World War.
The family had already suffered one tragic loss earlier in the same year. Harold's brother 192356 Petty Officer Horace Clarkson had been
drowned, age 35, on New Year's Day 1915, when the battleship H.M.S Formidable was sunk by German torpedoes in the Western Channel.
[This information has been provided jointly by Harold's Grandson and his Great
Grandson Stuart Hall of Melbourne, Australia. The two were unknown to each other until making contact with this website.]