Princess of Wales's Own
Durham and Yorks Brigade, Territorial Force Annual Camp at Redcar.
26th July to the 9th August 1913.
Local News Reports.
The following newspaper reports were kindly contributed by Peter Appleton of Skelton-in-Cleveland.
His Grandfather, Fred Appleton, from the same village, served with the 4th Yorks Battalion as a Volunteer before the War, throughout its duration and survived.
More about him can be read at this link.
Fred Appleton.
Arrangements are now complete for the Territorial camp at Redcar, the advance party having been busily engaged for the past two days making preparations for the reception of the main body of troops tomorrow.
It is expected that about 3,000 will be in camp by Sunday night.
Six special trains are due to arrive tomorrow. The first is expected from Darlington at 9.35 a.m., another is due from Hull at 11.26 a.m., whilst the West Hartlepool contingent are expected at noon. Two more trains will arrive from Hull at 12.30 p.m. and 1.50 p.m.,
and the Scarborough special is timed to reach Redcar at 1 p.m.
The camp is that of the Durham and York Brigade, and the units attached to it are the 4th Yorks, the 5th Yorks, the 5th Durhams, and the 4th East Yorks, with Ambulance and Army Service Corps.
Half of the troops come from Hull and the East Ridi ng, and the other half from the North Riding and South Durham.
The camp is situated about a mile out of Redcar on the Saltburn road.
The welcome which the townspeople of Redcar gave to the York and Durham Brigade of Territorials is much appreciated by the officers an
d men, and the good feeling exhibited is to be reciprocated tomorrow afternoon by a speci al brigade route march through the
town, it being felt that in view of the trouble whi ch many people took to decorate the main street, a little recognition of this kind shou ld be shown.
Accordingly all the units will parade tomorrow after partaking of their mid-day meal, and, accompanied by the bands, they will march thro ugh the town shortly before 3 o’clock.
The Brigadier has also written to Mr John Hutton, the Chairman of the Redcar Urban Council, thanking the people of Redcar for their co
rdial greeting to the troops.
Today the men started their training, and in the main it was carried out under company officers. It will be of a progressive Character, le ading up to the more important work of next week.
Some were occupied in fields adjoining the camp, others were seen on the racecourse, and a large number were taken out to the Coatham district.
It was an ideal morning for out-door exercises. Special attention was paid to the recruits, signalling, and the machine gun section.
Although there are 3,000 in camp, there are no cases of sickness, and so far there has only been one accident, and that not of a serious character.
It is generally understood in camp that a section of the brigade may be summoned to assist in preventing a landing of troops in connection with the naval manoeuvres off the Cleveland coast.
Men of the 4th Yorks at the 1913 Annual Camp, Redcar, N Yorks.
Second from Right standing is Fred Appleton. One of the others is Thomas Wood, age 24. He was killed
in action on the 3rd May 1915 at Ypres. [Photo kindly donated by Thomas's Great Nephew, John Simpson of Lympne, Kent.]
If the military authorities had the control of the weather in their hands, they could not have arranged more acceptable to the Territorials associated with the York and Durham Brigade than that which they experienced yesterday when they entered Redcar for the
first time to commence their annual fortnight’s training on the East Cleveland coast.
The sun shone beautifully throughout the day – a very welcome condition of things compared with the weather of a few days ago – and the result was that from an early hour there was a constant stream of visitors to the camping ground.
Nor was it surprising that not a few Teessiders who came into the town with the afternoon trains wended their way in the same direc
tion, as the camp of the next fortnight will have a special interest for residents of the towns on both sides of the river seeing that
about half of the men under canvas hail from the industrial centres of Cleveland and South Durham, who have thus the opportunity – whether it is the most acceptable selection that could be made from the standpoint of the men who combine an annual holiday with a hard fortnight’s training, is a matter on which opinions no doubt differ – of welcoming in camp many friends who would not otherw
ise be able to see local Territorials at work in the field.
The camp, therefore, opened under the happiest circumstances.
It will be a fortnight of hard work, and although the arrangements connected with the great naval doings off the coast are kept strictly private, it can be said with some degree of accuracy that if an attack is made on Cleveland the men in one of the battalions now in Redcar-lane may find themselves called upon to assist in an attempt to repel the invasion.
Such a call on their services would no doubt furnish useful experience to the Territorials. It is such work as this that the movement exists to deal with. The defence of the shores in case of invasion is a task which the Territorials must be prepared to face, and it will not be surprising if some of them get the chance, in the coming week, to give an account of their worth on the coast in the vicinity of Redcar.
A number of the 4th East Yorks are already engaged in watching the coast in the Hull neighbourhood, and at the mouth of the
Tees there are now on the watch both Artillery and Engineer units.
The value of this part of the district for the training of sections of the services has been proved on past occasions, when the West Ridings have pitched their tents in Redcar-lane, and whatever doubts existed as to the popularity of Territorial visitors in the developing seaside town was surely banished by the reception which awaited the incoming Battalions.
Crowds of residents, old as well as young, turned out to greet them as they passed through the main streets to their quarters, and the
decorations of the principal thoroughfare of the town was [sic] evidence of the satisfaction felt at the selection of Redcar for another Brigade camp. |
Colonel William Henry Anthony Wharton of Skelton Castle. Commanding Officer of the 4th Battalion.
[Photograph kindly contributed by Graham Smallburn of Birmingham.]
The Darlington men were the first on the scene shortly after nine o’clock, and the Hull Rifles were the last to arrive a little before three o’clock.
Several of the Cleveland companies marched into camp during the morning.
Dinner had been prepared for the troops, and after a few details had received attention in the afternoon the men were at liberty for the rest of the day, with the result that Redcar in the evening presented the appearance of a garrison town, the soldiers helping to swell the already large crowd on the promenade.
The figures show a total of over 3,000 officers and men, the highest number being returned by the 4thYorks, commanded, as is well known, by the popular chairman of the North Riding Territorial Association, Colonel W.H.A . Wharton of Skelton Castle, who
has brought over 900 to Ings Farm. Few battalions are so strong as that recruited from the Cleveland towns and villages and the chief agricultural centres of North Yorks.
The 4th East Yorks came next with 750, and the 5th Durhams third with about 700.
The 5th Yorks, with headquarters at Scarborough, are not so strong, the figures being less than 650.
In addition to these there are 250 officers and men associated with the 3rd Northumbrian Field Ambulance section, 82 with the A
rmy Service Corps, and a dozen with the Ordnance Corps.
Most of the men are staying the full 15 days.
There is plenty of land available for the operations. On Ings Farm and Wheatlands Farm there is a total of 80 acres for camp and drilling puposes, and in addition to this the directors of the racecourse have offered the use of the greater part of their ground to the Brigade, whilst local landowners have kindly intimated their willingness to assist by giving permission for manoeuvres over land ranging from Skelton to Eston, a part of the country which is well adapted for schemes such as the Brigade has to carry out.
It is hardly likely, however, that any important tasks – apart from that already hinted at above – will be undertaken this week. The intention is to devote the next six working days to Company training, and on Monday next the Commanding Officers will take over
the troops for a few days, and later in the week there will be one or two Brigade schemes, commonly called sham fights.
The inspection by General Burton, the Chief of the Northumbrian Division, is not likely to be made until next week, and it is regarded as probable that either on Sunday or Monday Sir Hugh Bell, the president of the North Riding Territorial Association, will
visit Redcar with General Plumer and General Bethune,
the Director-General of theTerritorial Forces.
It is also understood that Sir Mark Sykes, the commanding officer of the 5th Yorks, has invited a French military attaché to come and see the troops at work.
A considerable section of the men are recruits, and, of course, special attention will be paid to them. Signalling and gun exercises will be included in the programmes, and Col. Sykes has brought with him half-a-dozen ponies for scouting schemes.
In their hours off duty the men will find the Y.M.C.A. tents very useful. There will be concerts nightly, and every provision for writing to friends.
About half-a-dozen University students have given up a fortnight of their holidays to help in the tents, where there is a post office, and also a P.O. savings bank. The value of such institutions in camp cannot be over-estimated.
Mr J Palmer-Howard and Mr Stansfield are in charge.
The Brigadier is Colonel J.E. Bush, who has Capt. R.F. Guy (of the Wiltshire Regiment) as Brigade Major, and the principal Officers in camp are:
Lieut Colonel W H A Wharton, in command, Major the Hon W G A Orde-Powlett [17 May 1915], M.P., Major Maurice Bell, Captain and Adjutant G D P Eykyns [25 April 1915], Captains H C Matthews [25 April 1915], G J E Gardner, H G Scott, B Jackson, H R French, A Graham [11 April 1918], R A Constantine, and G H Bowes-Wilson [15 June 1915]: Major H L de Legh and Captain Whitehead (R.A.M.C.), Chaplains Holmes and Perkins, and Lieut and Quartermaster W H Colton.
The dates after the above names are when these Officers lost their lives in the First War.
5th YORKSHIRES.Lieut-Colonel Sir Mark Sykes, M.P., in command, Majors J Mortimer and W A Wetman, Captains C H Pearce, G J Scott, and G C Barber, Lieut E O Libby (R.A.M.C.), Captain and Adjutant H W McCall, Lieut and Quartermaster R Rennison.
4th EAST YORKSHIRES.Lieut-Colonel G H Shaw, in command, Major A Easton, Captains H J Gosschalk, B Farrell, A Sissons, P Robson, T J Morrill, A B Quibell, Captain and Adjutant W T Wilkinson, D.S.O., and Lieut and Quartermaster F W Cook. Captain C Earle and 30 men in the regiment are engaged at Paull in the coast defences.
5th DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY. Lieut-Colonel G O Spence, in command, Majors G W L Hopper and B G D Biggs, Captains W T Humphreys, C Ensor, R G Roger, R W Pearson, H G Faber, A L Raines, Captain and Adjutant E L Hughes, Lieut and Quartermaster Bush, Surgeon-Captain Wilkin and Chaplain J A G Birch.
3rd NORTHUMBERLAND FIELD HOSPITAL. Lieut-Colonel Wilson Ranson in command, Captains O L Appleton, P R Ash, M A Archdale, and W
A Thompson.
TRANSPORT AND SUPPLY COLUMN.Captain C S Horton, A .S.C., Adjutant; Lieuts C Walker and J S Cooper A.S.C.
Captain Biggs is in charge of the Army Ordnance Corps.
"G", Skelton detachment of the 1/4th Battalion.
The Brigade of Territorials who are undergoing their annual training in the Redcar district appear to be enjoying themselves thoroughly, thanks to the beautiful weather which has so far been experienced, and which could hardly fail to add to the pleasure
associated with life under canvas.
Ideal conditions again prevailed this morning. There were the usual exercises before breakfast for most of the troops, consisting of drill and work of a light character, whilst the subsequent hours were spent in Company training.
To those who have not had previous experience of it , a visit to a camp early in the morning just before breakfast is bound to be intere sting.
Life in the open air naturally produces keen appetites, and there is plenty of good and wholesome food to satisfy these.
It is well varied, care being taken to remove any cause of complaint, and the diet table is surprisingly extensive.
Those up for eight days’ training will leave on Sunday, but the total is not expected to be very large.
Others who found themselves unable to come for the first week are due to arrive on Sunday, and they will be in time for the
more important schemes towards the close of the training period.
It is probable that the work of the Ambulance Corps will be inspected tomorrow by the Deputy-Director of Medical Service on the Northern Command.
The Y.M.C.A. tents are greatly patronized by the men, and the facilities are much appreciated. Concerts are held nightly.
The good fortune of the Yorkshire and Durham Territorial Brigade at Redcar in the matter of weather continues, and today the conditions were not less satisfactory than those experienced in the first three days of the week.
The brilliant sunshine may have disadvantages during the drilling hours, owing to the heat, but nobody grumbles at these. Certainly the weather is very acceptable when the conditions of a week ago are recalled.
The training of the troops proceeds steadily and satisfactorily, and good progress is being made by the various units.
Today after breakfast and the early morning exercises, the Battalions were taken out to different areas, where useful work, including some small attack and defense schemes, was carried out.
To the regret of all, and especially his Battalion, the 4th Yorks, Col Wharton has had to leave the camp, owing to illness. He is now at his home, Skelton Castle, and is not expected back in camp again before the period of tr aining ends.
In his absence Major Maurice Bell is in Command of the battalion.
Lieut-Colonel Bewley, deputy-director of medical services on the Northern Command, was expected some time this afternoon to inspect the Ambulance Corps, and Sir Hugh Bell, the President of the North Riding Territorial Association; and General Bethune, the Commanding Officer of the Northumbrian Division, will probably pay a visit to the camp on Sunday next.
Every attention is paid to sanitation. Mr Howcroft, Surveyor and Inspector to the Urban Council, is rendering the authorities all the assis tance in his power, and daily pays a visit to the camp. Few cases of illness have been reported.
A busy morning was spent by the Territorial Battalions at Redcar, work of an interesting character, including the carrying out of little defence and attack schemes, occupying attention. The Durhams also had a fire control competition.
Following his speech on the Territorials in the House of Commons, Sir Mark Sykes, M.P., travelled down from London during the night,
and was on parade with his battalion, the 5th Yorks, today.
They were engaged in exercises on the racedourse, and were visited by the Brigadier, who watched the operations for about an hour.
Troops were to be seen in different parts of the district, and the Northumbrian Field Ambulance marched out towards Saltburn, taking provisions with them, it being the intention to have a meal away from camp, and to return along the sands so that those inclined to bathe would have the opportunity of doing so.
Surgeon-General Kenny, of the Northern Command Staff, has made his official inspection of the Ambulance Corps, and was very pleased with all he saw.
On Saturday Colonel A Phelps, also of the Northern Command Staff, will be in camp to inspect the Army Service Corps, and it is thought that General Plumer may come on Monday to see the Brigade at work.
The strength of the camp is not likely to be much affected by withdrawals after the first week’s training, for almost as many men are coming in on Sunday as are due to leave, which is a satisfactory feature.
The Brigadier is well satisfied with the progress made so far.
The Y.M.C.A. tents are crowded nightly.
Last night a entertainment was giv en by a party from the Redcar Wesleyan Sunday School, tonight a few friends from the town will give a concerT, and a mouth organ competition is fixed for Friday night.
Next week the buglers will do a turn.
Nearly 6,000 letters and parcels have been sent away from these tents since the camp opened.
Outdoor sports are a feature of camp life. Teams representing the 4th Yorks and the Durhams opposed each other at football yesterday afternoon. Both elevens were made up of experienced players, and victory went to the Durhams by 3 goals to 1.
Arrangements for Sunday’s services have not yet been made.
Sir Mark Sykes. M.P.
The arrival of the Territorials to Redcar last week-end was heralded in proper patriotic fashion, which simply delighted the commanding officers and men as they journeyed through the main thoroughfare to their camp, which we are glad to notice is in ideal condition, the ground being perfectly dry and level and the grass nice and short.
The prospects, so far as climatic conditions are concerned, look like being charmingly satisfactory during their stay at Redcar. The sun has shone gloriously throughout the week, and the influx of visitors, due to the arrival of the Territorials, has given the town a very busy appearance.
There are 3,000 in camp altogether, including officers, and taking the men as a whole they are a smart and healthy lot.
Sir Mark Sykes, M.P. for Central Hull, the popular Colonel of the 5th Yorks, has promised to give a bounty of 5s out of his £400 parliamentary salary to each of his men who complete the full fifteen days in camp.
The large posters upon the “Standard Office” windows, with the words “Welcome Loyal Terriers” brought plainly out, caused endless amusement to the “Terriers” as they marched through the town, and we have received a letter thanking us for our patriotic welcome to the forces, which we highly appreciate.
The men have been very active during the week, and some good work has been accomplished. Crowds of residents turned out to greet them, and the decorations of the principal parts of the town was evidence of the satisfaction felt at the selection of Redcar for their camp.
Parade of the York and Durham Brigade in
Redcar, 29 July 1913.
Darlington men were the first to arrive about nine in the morning, and the Hull Rifles were the last comers at three o’clock. Many Cleveland companies marched to camp. The 4th Yorks has the largest number of men, who were in the charge of Colonel W H A Wharton, of Skelton Castle, but the popular Colonel had to leave the camp on Wednesday through not feeling very well.
The 4th East Yorks come next, and the 5th Durhams closely follow them in number.
On Tuesday, as an appreciation of the cordial welcome given to the soldiers, the Brigadier ordered a special parade of the whole men available through the principal streets of the town. The streets were lined with people.
The procession was headed by the band of the 4th Yorkshires, Colonel Bush and Captain Guy riding in front.
The esplanade was traversed and the men then proceeded by way of Newcomen Street, Lobster-road, Coatham-road and back to camp by way of High Street and Redcar Lane. The townspeople greatly appreciated the kindly action of the Brigadier and his officers.
On Wednesday evening in the large marquee of the Y.M.C.A., a number of
girls from the Redcar Wesleyan Sunday School provided an excellent entertainment, which was much enjoyed by the men.
The Army Service Corps with their transport wagons had a 14 mile route march on Wednesday, Saltburn and the hilly districts being traversed. Surg-General Kenny, A.M.S., visited the camp and was highly satisfied with everything. He pinned a long service good conduct and efficiency medal on the breast of Sergeant Bottomley, of the Northumbrian Battery.
A mouth organ competition is fixed for tonight, Friday.
Nearly 6000 letters and parcels have been sent away from the camp already.
There are some good footballers in camp, and the Durham men have proved themselves the smarter set by defeating the Yorks by 3 goals to 1.
Colonel A Philips, of the Northern Command, is expected at the camp to inspect the Army Service Corps on Saturday, and it is probable that General Bethune and Sir Hugh Bell will visit the camp on Sunday. General Plummer is announced to visit the camp early next week.
In addition to the special parade of the Brigade during the week, the Territorials are arranging a little surprise for Sunday. They are an
xious to assist the promoters of the Hospital Festival on the Racecourse.
The first week’s training of the Yorkshire and Durham Brigade of the Territorials has ended, as it began, in ideal weather for outdoor exercises.
This morning’s conditions proved just as acceptable as those of earlier in the week.
The Brigadier makes no secret of his satisfaction at the way the work has been carried out by the troops under him. The exceptionally fine weather has enabled the units to get through considerably more training than has been attempted before.
Today all the Battalions, with the exception of the 4th East Yorks, who were occupied with outpost schemes on the racecourse, were engaged on the South side of the camp, the Durhams being at Wilton Park, and the 5th Yorks near New Marske. The 4th Yorks were entrenching on Upleatham Hill with the exception of one company who left the camp for shooting practice.
The Army Service Corps was inspected this morning by Col Phelps, of the Northern command staff, and the transport section of the R.A.M.C. went on a march through the town, the remainder being usefully employed on work such as they exist to perform.
In the competitions of the Ambulance Corps representatives of the “A” section were victorious in both signaling and stretcher drill.
Next week more extended tasks will be undertaken, and on Friday and Saturday the Brigadier will have the troops. Probably there will be an attack and defence scheme arranged for next Saturday.
General Burton, commanding officer of the Northumbrian Division, will be visiting the camp for a few days. Major Ruch Keane, the secretary of the North Riding Territorial Association, has arrived.
It is understood that in the course of next week a billeting scheme will be carried out by Sir Mark Sykes and his men, the idea being for the
troops to stay overnight in some village of the district.
It has not been attempted before in this Brigade.
Tomorrow at 11.15 a.m. there will be an impressive religious service in the large field at the Redcar side of the camp. The whole of the briga
de will parade in review order, and at the conclusion of the service they will be inspected by General Bethune, Director-general of the Territorial Forces, who will motor over from Rounton Grange with Sir Hugh Bell, the Lord Lieutenant of the Riding and President of
the North Riding Territorial Association.
A number of medals will also be presented by the General.
No arrangements have yet been made for an official inspection by General Plumer, of the Northern Command.
In the fire control competition of the 5th Durhams the first prize was won by Sergeant J Combe, of the “C” Company, who receives a gold medal, the second by Sergeant A Larman, of the “H” Company, who obtains a silver medal, and the third by Lance-Sergeant J Storar, “H” Company, who gets a bronze medal. A sum of money accompanies each medal.
Back row, far right, Fred Appleton. Middle row, far right, Charles Preston. Middle row, second from right, Herbert Cook.
Herbert was awarded the Military Medal in 1916. In Jan 1917 he was hit by a shell and died of wounds near Albert, Somme.
Today the Durham and York Brigade of Territorials entered on their second week’s training at Redcar. Work more important than that undertaken during the first seven days will be faced. It will be a week of hard and steady work culminating on Saturday with Brigade manoeuvres probably in the direction of Wilton.
There can be no two opinions as to the success of the camp. Even the highest expectation have been more than realized, and perhaps the only regret the troops have is that they were not allowed an opportunity, during the naval battles off the coast, to give a demonstration of their worth in helping to resist an invasion of the shore.
Everything has conspired to make things enjoyable. Finer weather could not have been experienced, the troops are sympathetically handled, excellent food is supplied in ample quantities, and the best of feeling exists – indeed few camps have proved so pleasant, and at the same time have yielded so satisfactory results as that which now commands the interest, and deservedly so, of thousands of residents and visitors in Redcar.
Beyond doubt a military camp containing 3,000 officers and men is of enormous financial advantage to the traders of the town.
Redcar has found it out on several occasions, and is now having this happy experience. But there is a special reason why the camp in Redcar-lane is so attractive, not only to Redcar people but to those in Cleveland and Tees-side in general.
Half of the men in camp earn their livelihood in these districts. After a hard day’s toil they undertake a national duty.
It is no infrequent sight to see them at drill in the various towns and villages, but this is the first occasion since the Territorial Force was established that the citizens of this great industrial area have had the opportunity of observing their friends in camp within a few miles
of their homes.
Thousands have visited the men’s quarters, and no doubt there will be crowds daily during the present week. Recruiting ought to be sti
mulated by the fixing of a camp in an area where the actual work of the Territorials in the field can b examined by friends and acquaintances at so small a cost.
Three outstanding features The three outstanding features of the first week were the wonderful run of fine weather, not a single heavy shower disturbing operations – the gratifying freedom from serious illness and accidents, and the remarkable public interest aroused in the doings of the men. The latter was strikingly reflected by the very large crowd who took the trouble to walk out from the town to yesterday’s drumhead service.
It was short but impressive. All the troops who could be spared were marched into the large field on the north side of the camping ground, and the two Yorks Battalions immediately faced the clergy, who had the Durhams and the Ambulance Brigade [sic] to the right, and the 4th
East Yorks and the Army Service Corps to the left.
The men joined heartily in the singing. Popular hymns such as “All people who on earth do well”, “O God our help in ages past” and “Onward Christian Soldiers” were sung.
The Rev. H C Holmes, the chaplain to the 4th Yorks, who has been in camp with the Territorials and Volunteers for 32 successive years, is about to retire, and yesterday being his last camp it was arrange that he should conduct the entire service. The other chaplains present were Canon Lillingstone, Hull and the Rev. J A G Birch of Darlington.
The 4th Yorks band led the singing.
The Brigadier (Colonel Bush) attended, accompanied by the Brigade Major (Captain Guy), and most of the officers paraded. During the sermon, which was preached by Mr Holmes, and which was based on the text “How long halt ye between two opinions?” all ranks were seated on the grass.
The preacher showed how courage was admired and desired by all, and that the highest form of it was only to be obtained through the grace of God, which would enable them to overcome fear and to rise superior to all temptation. Daily they had to make the choice between God and Baal, especially in camp they had to choose whether to be on the right or the wrong side.
Through many years’ experience of camps he knew very well what were the special temptations they had to deal with. There were sudde
n surprises and temptations in all sorts of forms, which perhaps did not occur at any other time.
There was only one way to be saved from falling into these – that was to be courageous – and the only way to be courageous was to have trust
in their cause and in the head of that cause – the Saviour Christ, their great Captain. Without him they could do nothing, with him all things were possible. Let them, therefore, bear in mind who they were and who they served.
Their presence in camp was also a proof that they had decided to serve their King. They were soldiers of the King. Theirs was a good cause, the very best. They would never be called upon to fight except for one reason, to defend their countrymen and their country – so there could be no doubt as to the good ness of their cause – but they must not forget that there was a better cause still, the cause of God.
They were not only soldiers, they were Christian soldiers, and it should be their aim to avoid anything unworthy of their calling.
Sir Hugh Bell.
Just as the service ended, Sir Hugh Bell, wearing his uniform as Lord Lieutenant, motored up, along with General Bethune, the Director-General of the Territorial Forces.
[Sir Hugh Bell was the son Sir Lowthian Bell, the famous Ironmaster and expert on steel making processes.
With his two brothers, he had established Steelworks on Teesside and Ironstone mines in East Cleveland, coal mines and limestone quarries.
Sir Hugh's daughter was Gertrude Bell who achieved fame in how own right as a traveller and archeologist in the Middle East and greatly influenced Britains political connections in that area.]
The troops formed in quarter column for an inspection by these distinguished visitors, who were accompanied by Major Ruck Keane, the Secretary of the North Riding Territorial Association, and Captain Wallace, one of the staff officers of the Northumbrian Division.
The General was also asked to present a number of medals. One for good conduct was handed to Sergt.-Instructor Chettelburgh, Stokesley,
and efficiency medals to Sergt.Wilkinson, Middlesbrough; Sergt Headland, Stokesley; and Private Watts, Yarm, all of the 4th Yorks; whilst a long service and good conduct medal was pinned on the breast of Col.-Sergt Goozee, of the permanent staff of the 5th Yorks, and efficiency medals were also received by Lance-Sergt.Rowley, Corporal
General Edward Cecil Bethune.
Eastwood, Lance-Corporal Ripon, Private Stork and Private Bullons of the same Battalion. The Director-General shook each recipient by the hand and warmly congratulated him.
But he had also some words for the Brigade as a whole. These were short, but to the point, and the most effective part of the speech was that in which he claimed that so long as the Territorials were doing their best they could afford to ignore what the critics were saying.
He was proud to say from what he knew of the Territorial Army that there was a great deal more work done than people gave them credit for, and he was glad to see such a smart turn out.
He had seen a great many brigades throughout the country, and could make a very fair guess at what fellows were by looking at them, and
he thought from what he had seen that they were very satisfactory and efficient representatives of the Territorial Forces.
But he wanted them to understand that they were not only doing something which he hoped interested and pleased them, but they were carrying out a work which was necessary for the defence of the country, and that they (the authorities) looked to them to stick it out whenever they could and to help them by keeping their numbers strong, and helping recruiting by getting other fellows to come in when they had to go out.
He should like to see it a rule that every man who took his discharge brought another fellow to fill his place, for if they could do
Gertrude Bell.
that he did not think that they need have any fear as to numbers.
“People say we are not much good” added the General, “but, as I have said hundreds of times, ‘Let them talk; it does not matter what they
say so long as we feel that we are doing our best’. Having done your best you cannot do any more”.
Along with Sir Hugh Bell and Colonel Bush and his staff, General Bethune inspected the lines and was impressed by all he saw. The party, which included Miss Gertrude Bell, stayed for luncheon in camp, and motored back to Rounton Grange in the afternoon.
Today the Director-General presents the prizes at the shooting competition at Northallerton.
[General Bethune was aged 58 by this time. He had served in the Afghan War in 1878-80 and the Boer Wars of 1881 and 1800 to 1902.
He was Director General of the Territorial Force from 1912 to 1917, retired in 1920 and died in 1930.]
The Territorials at Redcar found a change in the weather this morning when they started on their work. There was an absence of sunshine, and it seemed as if showers were to be experienced during the greater part of the morning.
The 4th East Yorkshires, the 5th Durhams and the 4th Yorkshires were taken out to different areas, but the 5th Yorkshires
indulged in drill near the camp, as they were due to leave in the afternoon for Guisborough, where they will be billeted for the night.
The troops continue to spend an enjoyable time. The re are concerts nightly, and many will be sorry when the time comes for the camp to be struck. It is generally described as one of the happiest training periods which the men have enjoyed. No complaint can be made as to the treatment of the troops. They are well cared for, and every consideration is shown to them.
General Bethune, at the close of his inspection of the camp on Sunday, expressed himself delighted with its cleanliness, and Colonel Bush, in orders, has congratulated the various units on this excellent report. All who have visited the camp will agree that it is well deserved.
Today, Colonel Will and Colonel Rutherford, of the Divisional Headquarters medical staff, made a close inspection of the camp. The sanitary arrangements have special attention from the officers of the Urban Council.
So enjoyable has the Territorial Camp at Redcar proved that most of the troops will regret when Sunday arrives and they receive orders to march to the railway station for their homeward journey.
It would be surprising were it otherwise. If the weather could have been arranged like details of camp training it could not have been better. With the exception of two or three slight showers the troops have had fine weather for the past twelve days, and there is nothing which makes the success of a Territorial camp more than sunshine. This the Brigade has had in abundance.
All the arrangements have worked smoothly. The comfort of the men has had every consideration, and though they have had a somewhat
hard fortnight they have not been overworked, and no complaint can be made in any way.
The camp is a model of cleanliness, and reflects every credit on the troops. Accidents have been rare, serious cases of illness few, and an excellent feeling exists all round. On every side there is to be heard expressions of satisfaction at the success of the camp, and if the men were asked they would probably say that it has been the happiest experienced since this Territorial brigade came into being.
Today the troops were engaged for the last time on battalion training.
On Friday and Saturday they will be in the hands of the Brigadier, who has arranged a big scheme of field operations on Eston Moor for tomorrow. It will involve a long march from camp, and it is hoped that the weather will prove favourable. General Burton, who was out this
morning watching the work of some of the Battalions, will witness the brigade in action tomorrow.
The Territorials at Redcar today reached the most important stage of their fortnight’s training when, in accordance with the orders of the
Brigadier, Colonel Bush, who has the troops in his hands for today and tomorrow, they tramped out to Eston Moor to indulge in
a scheme of attack practice, in which all the units in camp were engaged.
This involved a stiff march after breakfast as the Brigade were due on the moor about 10 o’clock, but the atmosphere was cool, the roads good, and the conditions in every way favourable.
This part of the district is very popular with Territorial officers carrying out big schemes, and it was very often used by the West Riding Division during their stay in Cleveland.
The 5th Durhams were entrusted with the defence of the West side of Wilton Plantation, and the attack was delivered by the 4th and 5th Yorkshires and the 4th East Yorkshires from the direction of Upsall.
Major-General Burton, commanding the Northumbrian Division, was present.
Despite the seven miles march the troops showed little sign of fatigue, and were on the scene well in time for the operations which were so
mewhat delayed for the arrival of General Burton, who had promised to come over from Saltburn to see the men in action.
When the exercise opened the brigade, represented by the three Yorks battalions, was in a preliminary formation advancing from the Upsall side of the moor, and shortly before half past eleven the first move was made by throwing out skirmishing parties.
The defending force, the Durhams, did not take up their position behind the wall of the plantation, which was the object of attack, but Col
onel Spence advanced them 300 yards to the edge of a slope and there awaited the enemy.
Once the Upsall force got going the attack was quickly developed and a hot fight was sustained for about three quarters of an hour, the
firing line, composed of the 4th and 5th Yorks, advancing from successive fire situations to a final fire position, then fighting for the superiority of fire with the assault and pursuit as a closing effort.
Col.Spence was kept very busy as strong attacks were being delivered by both flanks, but the Durhams defended well, and eventually two Companies which were kept in Reserve near the famous Nab started a counter attack on the left of Sir Mark Sykes' force.
This, however, was repelled, and the defenders driven back into wood, to which the main body of the defending army were also ordered to withdraw.
The 3rd Northumberland Field Ambulance, under Col Ranson, were in attendance, and elaborate arrangements were made for the treatment of “wounded” from both sides.
There was a shower of rain towards the close of the exercise, but it did not cause any discomfort.
As soon as the order was given for the cessation of firing, the General called the officers together, and for close on half an hour there was a
conference on the work of the morning.
Criticisms were offered by both the General and Col Bush, the Brigadier, and these were replied to by the commanding officers of the various units. Both had a special word of appreciation of the splendid defence set up by Col Spence and his men.
General Burton, in the course of a few general observations, said that he was very pleased with the conduct of the defending battalion, and that he thought the last phase of the attack was excellent.
On the whole both forces were entitled to congratulations on what he had witnessed, considering the short time at their disposal, and the restricted nature of the ground he was most agreeably surprised at their exhibition.
They were entitled to hearty congratulations on the substantial progress mad by the Brigade since he had the honour to see it in camp last year.
The Brigadier, in a subsequent conversation, remarked that it was a difficult exercise, and that it was satisfactorily performed by all ranks,
whose conduct was worthy of every praise. The work was carried out without noise and a special word of praise was due to the defenders who had done everything expected of them.
This was the best camp at which he had presided. The work had been steady and progressive, and more had been done than ever before, this being due to the beautiful weather enjoyed, and to the energy and keenness of the non-commissioned officers and men.
He was well satisfied with the training of all units. It had been a most successful and enjoyable camp.
Tomorrow’s programme will include brigade drill in one of the fields adjoining the camp and there will be a march past.
Some of the members live at places which cannot be reached by Sunday trains leave for home tomorrow, but the main body depart by special trains on Sunday morning.
Good work has been accomplished this week at the Territorial Camp in Redcar Lane, and it is pleasing to know that very few cases of illness have been reported. On Tuesday General Burton paid a visit to the camp and express ed himself satisfied with the work carried out, and in the evening he motored to Guisborough in connection with the billeting scheme of the 5th Yorkshire, and called at the Temperance Hall, where a number of men were quartered. He was accompanied by Sir Mark Sykes, M.P.
During the afternoon about 400 men marched out from camp, and their arrival was watched by many of the residents of Guisborough. The men quite enjoyed the idea of being billeted out for the night.
Col Will and Col Rutherford completed their medical inspection on Tuesday.
An order was issued by the Brigadier congratulating the troops on the excellent report which they earned from General Bethune. He was plea
sed with the cleanliness of the camp.
Colonel Wilson Ranson, of the R.A.M.C., on Wednesday, gave an interesting lecture on Field Hospital arrangements, and also dealt with the treatment of wounded in war.
On Wednesday General Burton, commanding the Northumbrian Division of Territorials, visited the camp, and spent the whole day with the Brigade. Arriving from Saltburn the General first saw the Army Service Corps and the driver’s Section of the Royal Army Medical Corps at work on the beach near the camp.
He then motored to the hilly district by Upleatham, and saw the 4th Yorkshire Battalion, who were engaged in a scheme of attack, and which was executed very well.
On Thursday the Divisional Commanding Officer inspected the work of the other Battalions, and to-day, Friday, he will be on Eston Moor to watch the working of the whole Brigade, which is expected to be a big day.
The Camp is said to be one of the best the men have ever attended. The weather has been glorious, and every night concerts have been held in the mess tents or in the Y.M.C.A.tents. No fewer than thirteen thousand letters and packets have been forwarded from the latter tents during the past twelve days.
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