A/Capt Goring survived the War. The only facts known about him are the few memories recorded by his niece.
"I can’t remember much about my father in my very young years – in fact I can remember my Uncle Alan [A/Capt Goring] better.
He was the apple of Nannies eye. He had been taken prisoner during the war – he ended up as a captain and won the M.C. –
she was immensely proud of him. He was married in our Bedhampton church – I think I can just remember his wedding.
His wife’s name was ‘Olive’ - but we always called her ‘O’. Nannie didn’t like her much – she came from a small village called Shrewton
(in Wiltshire?) and had been a NAAFI girl during the war. They had a flat in Havant so we saw quite a lot of them.
During the war my mother contacted Uncle Alan again. Anyway, I was very happy to hear from him again. He couldn’t get into his
old regiment and joined the RAOC and finished up in Egypt as a Lt. Colonel. He wrote regularly and he was Moose’s godfather,
as he was mine. Once he got home we lost touch again. I think ‘O’ wouldn’t let him write. I’ve tried several times to find him,
Red X, Salvation Army etc., but never had any luck. He’d be over 100 now anyway!"